Kin of the Sun

Looking across the long course of the sapien linguistic historical timeline create the next evolution of language that is both more efficient in using our natural bodies while also allowing more information and particularly feeling to transfer and like a picture can say a thousand words a feeling is similar in nature and can be evoked through language and communications and forms the basis for understanding. Using modern and historical guideposts analyze English parts of speech to come up with a new concise reference to the use of new parts of speech and simplifications of an age old system ready for a refreshing update as humans too have evolved since its initial introduction. inject the capability of AI to modernize language using English for the example. then write an I Ching inspired ballad using this new language reference using novel words and with double meanings and subtle drama around a family that has the dilemma that the sun is going to explode one day and yet does not know when this will happen, but knows it will. how would they cope and thrive in the face of such stark realism of not only their own short existence but that of the star which feeds them.

“Sun-giant, life-giver, in high sky-blue,
Yet, heart-burns with death-flame, end unknown.
Kin-cluster, we know, one day sun-giant dies,
Stark doom we face, yet gaze sky, eyes dry.

In moon-glow-silver, night’s quiet breath,
Kin-cluster holds close, ‘neath star-lights’ cosmic depth.
Life-fragile, cosmos-might do we tread,
Yet, love-warm flows, future’s promise spread.

Sun-death, long shadow across day-cast,
Yet, Kin-cluster sows in soil’s gray vast.
Harvest-gold brings, fear’s darkness outlast,
Life-wheel turns, nature’s ballet so vast.

Child-new, spark in womb’s cradle glows,
Generation-next, in time’s cycle flows.
Knowledge-bitter, sun-end the only close,
Yet, life-dance persists, spirit’s strength shows.

Sun-giant, though heart turns ember-cold,
Kin-cluster thrives, ancient story told.
End-beginning, life-death, tale bold,
In cosmos-waltz, love’s golden thread we hold.”

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