Theosophy Contradiction Yin Yang Love Experience

describe jiddu ksishnamurthy’s theosophy with regard to contradiction in terms of yin yang and love being ultimate experience free from thought to a 10 year old

Alright, let’s try to break this down in a way that a 10-year-old might understand.

Jiddu Krishnamurti’s teachings are a bit like a puzzle. He doesn’t give you a direct answer, but he makes you think and find the answer for yourself. This might sound confusing, but let’s imagine it like a game of hide and seek. Krishnamurti is saying, “The answer is hidden somewhere. You need to find it yourself. I can only give you clues.”

Now, Krishnamurti talks about contradiction, which means when two things don’t agree with each other. Let’s take the example of wanting to eat a big bowl of ice cream but also wanting to stay healthy. These two things don’t really go together, right? That’s a kind of contradiction. But in this case, Krishnamurti is saying that our mind often has these kinds of contradictions, and it’s important to notice them and understand them.

Now, imagine the idea of Yin and Yang. This is a concept from ancient Chinese philosophy where everything in the world is seen as a balance of two opposite things, like night and day, hot and cold, or sweet and sour. It’s like having two sides of a coin. You can’t have one side without the other. Krishnamurti’s idea of contradiction is similar to this Yin and Yang. He believes that understanding the contradictions within us can help us find balance, just like Yin and Yang.

Lastly, Krishnamurti believes that love is the ultimate experience and it’s free from thought. To understand this, think about a time when you’re really happy, like when you’re playing with your best friend or hugging your pet. In those moments, you’re not thinking about anything else, right? You’re just feeling happy and loved. That’s what Krishnamurti means by love being an ultimate experience free from thought. He believes that when we’re truly in a state of love, we’re not caught up in thinking or contradictions. We’re just in the moment, feeling love.

So, in a nutshell, Krishnamurti is asking us to be like detectives of our own minds, noticing when we’re stuck in contradictions and aiming to find a balance, like Yin and Yang. And in the end, he encourages us to find moments of pure love, where we’re not thinking about anything else.

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